
Friday, 5 April 2013

Next generation of social media 'exposing girls to sexual abuse' by demi tay


A new breed of social media websites is leaving young people open to cyber bullying, with anonymous users able to bombard others with sexually explicit messages and demands. people can then ask questions completely anonymously, some open to all, some directed to a specific profile.Browsing some of the sites for just a few minutes reveals a torrent of sexual demands, explicit questions and abusive threats to users whose photos suggest they are young teenage girls.Today, as part of the global One Billion Rising campaign to end violence against women and girls, the Government will debate making “personal, social and health education, including a zero tolerance approach to violence and abuse in relationships, a requirement in schools”.

In my opinion, teenage girls should not expose their own private information such as their home address and the locations that they frequently go to.If they receive threats, sexual demand they should ignore it or even to some extend stop using the website.If they continue using the website they may see some comment that can cause them to go into depression and even cause them to suicide.

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