
Thursday, 23 May 2013

Israeli Warplanes 'Launch Air Strike In Syria'

Summary: Recently, there have been some reports suggesting that Israeli warplanes have launched an air strike inside Syria and the likely target was a weapon site. There has been sightings on Israeli air strike on Thursday or Friday. However, the aircraft did not enter the Syrian airspace. Meanwhile, there were warnings of a new "large-scale massacre" in Syria near the city of Bania. Several sources in the village say at least 50 people were killed in summary executions and sheiling in Baida Village.
Opinions: I feel that it is due to the fact that Syria is transfering chemical weapons or other game-changing weaponry to teerorists which lead to the air strikes by Israeli and it has been the second time this year that Israel conducted airstrikes inside Syria. Therefore, I really wish that Syria will stop these illegal weaponry transfering which would not have cause all these problems.

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