
Saturday, 25 January 2014

A soft Y generation? -Yen Yuen

Singaporeans are being labelled as the Y Generation which is also known as the strawberry generation. Senior Minister, Goh Chok Tong said that if not for National Service, Singaporeans might have become a strawberry generation like Taiwan. He  added that these people does not take part in physical activities frequently and tends to participate in social networking.

However, some people begs to differ. Prof Tan Ern Ser, an associate professor of sociology in National University of Singapore, feel that it is typical for one to live with one's parents when one is married since households now are so small.

Regarding the issue of job hop, maybe young people aren't soft but they just need the right motivation. Having the right motivation so that they have meaningful things to do and reasonable goals to achieve.


Personally, I agree that Singaporeans should not be labelled as the strawberry generation.

Referring to the points raised in the article about living with parents after marriage, I agree that there is no problem since flats' price are now increasingly becoming more expensive and most of them could not afford it. Hence, they have to stay with their parents temporarily until they have acquired sufficient funds to purchase a flat on their own. 

Moreover, Job-Hopping is also not the main argument as to why they should be labelled as the Strawberry Generation. The reasons to job-hop may depends on the environment and employers' character. Most of them would prefer to try something more adventurous, meaningful and in order to do so, they job hop. 

In conclusion, Singaporeans are not the generation that are soft and easily bruised.

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