
Friday, 28 February 2014

One-child policy: China's army of little emperors

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Summary: After the introduce of the one-child policy in China, the offspring from than on became the "spoilt generation". The authorities thought that it was a success but it came with an unintended consequences which fundamentally changed the phycology of young Chinese man and woman. Chinese children born after the policy have grown up to become less altruistic and trusting, more timid, less competitive, more pessimistic and less conscientious than the Chinese who were born just before the policy. This differences in the kind of personality traits which influence social relationships, that could have important ramifications for China’s future.

Opinion: In my opinion, this result are unexpected and so to live on with it some changes in live had to be made in order to survive. if the changes are not made one will only suffer from reality and would live on with a difficult live. (longer pls)

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