
Thursday, 17 April 2014

stay at home mother on the rise - demi tay

The share of mothers who do not work outside the home rose to 29% in 2012, up from a modern-era low of 23% in 1999, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data. The broad category of “stay-at-home” mothers includes not only mothers who say they are at home in order to care for their families, but also those who are at home because they are unable to find work, are disabled or are enrolled in school. Married stay-at-home mothers are more likely than single or cohabiting stay-at-home mothers to say they are not employed because they are caring for their families (85% said this in 2012.No matter what their marital status, mothers at home are younger and less educated than their working counterparts. Among all stay-at-home mothers in 2012, about four-in-ten (42%) were younger than 35. This compares with roughly a third (35%) of working mothers. Half (51%) of stay-at-home mothers care for at least one child age 5 or younger, compared with 41% of working mothers.

in my opinion, I am feeling happy that there are a rise in homestay mother.having too much working mother may cause their child to go astray as they do not have motherly love which most child need to have as they are at the developing stage. With the rise in home stay mother children are less likely to mix with gangs outside. Children are able to talk to their parents about how's their day and what they have encounter in school. Some children may get bully, with a parent at home the children can consult their parent and so they would not do silly things such as a whole, children are more likely to be able to developed better than a child without any care from their parents.

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