
Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Could your next boss be a robot by ZhiGang


As technology advances, man’s work are soon taken over by machines and man fear that soon robots with an advance artificial intelligence would soon be allowed to climb up corporate ladder and takeover man themselves. On the other hand, robots compared to man can make for happier and more productive employees by giving grunt work to them but only if it is done accurately for them to work at a place with a high level of sophistication.

In my opinion, technology is actually really important. However, as it starts to advance, man creates new technology yet to known of for things that are simply useless like a simple washing machine, although it ease man to wash the clothes, it actually make man become over reliant on technology when the things can be done by them. The technology for to ease work and now man fear that technology will take over them when it is man who created them, isn’t it ironic? 

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