
Thursday, 28 August 2014

Singapore Tourism Board targets focal points in India By Carlenko Wang

Singapore Tourism Board (STB) is giving 'segment marketing' a big thrust in India, so as to attract more visitors from the country. Out of an estimated 7 million people from across the globe, who visited Singapore during January, about 3.4% were from India. India, especially South India has become a growing market for Singapore, which has become a country with well developed infrastructure. The focus is only limited by imagination policy, pointed out by the STB. Overall, STB has pegged a modest growth rate of 6-8 per cent for visitors from India during the current year, as against over 12 per cent growth in the past.STB also said that as we expand the base, it will be unrealistic to expect to maintain double-digit growth.
In my opinion, I think that the STB is going to the correct direction of exploiting the visitor resources from India so as to further Singapore’ tourism income .Singapore is a renowned tourism country .However, the tourism income has fallen since the development of tourism other countries. In order to maintain our superiority, such policy is essential.

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