
Friday, 22 August 2014

Singaporeans' satisfaction with public transport drops by ZhiGang

Summary: Singaporean’s overall satisfaction with the public transport system has dipped. The Land Transport Authority said that the dips in satisfaction level may be a reflection of increased ridership. Despite the low satisfaction of Singaporeans, more people are making public transport their choice mode. Surprisingly, more care-owning households are using public transport for daily commute, compared to four years ago. The government aims to achieve a peak period public transport mode share of 70 percent in 2020 and 75 percent by 2030.

Opinion: In my opinion, I feel that Singaporeans are a complain lot. They complain about everything that the government does and nothing seems to satisfy them at all. Parents usually complained about how education system is stressful in Singapore. The government tried to fulfill the needs of the parents by removing the banding of secondary school in Singapore. Yet, Singaporeans have yet to compliment the government and instead complain about what the government have done. Singaporeans are never satisfied with the government. 

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